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Many believe Jackson was a member of the Illuminati – until he began speaking out against the society. (Photo: Release)
Many believe Jackson was a member of the Illuminati – until he began speaking out against the society. (Photo: Release)
According to conspiracy theories, the Illuminati, afraid that Cobain would begin to speak out against them, orchestrated his death. (Photo: Release)
According to conspiracy theories, the Illuminati, afraid that Cobain would begin to speak out against them, orchestrated his death. (Photo: Release)
One conspiracy theory, however, claims that singer Whitney Houston was killed by the Illuminati as a blood sacrifice. (Photo: Release)
One conspiracy theory, however, claims that singer Whitney Houston was killed by the Illuminati as a blood sacrifice. (Photo: Release)
On May 10, 1973, the Bruce Lee collapsed at Golden Harvest Studios while doing voiceover work for the film Enter the Dragon. He suffered convulsions and headaches and was immediately rushed to a Hong Kong hospital, where he was diagnosed with cerebral edema. (Photo Release)
On May 10, 1973, the Bruce Lee collapsed at Golden Harvest Studios while doing voiceover work for the film Enter the Dragon. He suffered convulsions and headaches and was immediately rushed to a Hong Kong hospital, where he was diagnosed with cerebral edema. (Photo Release)
Some believe Marilyn Monroe was actually poisoned by members of the Illuminati on August 4, 1962, as a result of her many secret relationships with powerful men. (Photo: Release)
Some believe Marilyn Monroe was actually poisoned by members of the Illuminati on August 4, 1962, as a result of her many secret relationships with powerful men. (Photo: Release)
The conspiracy theory consists of a massive plot in which Presley began working for the FBI as an informant under President Richard Nixon, and things went sour when FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover died in 1972. (Photo: Release)
The conspiracy theory consists of a massive plot in which Presley began working for the FBI as an informant under President Richard Nixon, and things went sour when FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover died in 1972. (Photo: Release)It is very likely that you have already heard rumors about the death of Michael Jackson (1958-2009). In fact, for many people, the ‘King of Pop’ is, in fact, very much alive. In the world of celebrities, it is very common for conspiracy theories to revolve around the deaths of famous people. Some people believe, for example, that the secret society known as ‘the Illuminati’ is behind the deaths of many important artists.
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111NEXT has listed some conspiracy theories that claim that these six international celebrities were murdered. Check out everything in the photo gallery above to see more details.