Texas lawyer breaks world record for world’s longest female tongue

Brittany Lacayo, a lawyer from Texas, USA, is now the woman with the largest tongue in the world, a feat recorded by Guinness World Records in 2024. Her tongue measures an impressive 7.90 cm at its widest point, exceeding the width of a hockey puck and almost reaching the dimensions of a credit card.

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According to information from Crescer, the width of Brittany’s tongue is 2.5 cm greater than its length, when measured from the tip to the middle of the closed upper lip. The previous record, held for a decade, belonged to Emily Schlenker, also from the USA, whose tongue measured 7.33 cm wide.

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Brittany always knew that her tongue was larger than normal, but she never imagined that she could break a world record. It was only after watching a video of the former record holder, sent by her best friend, that she decided to measure her own tongue and discovered that it was even wider.

The reactions Brittany receives when she sticks out her tongue for the first time are usually of surprise and curiosity. “People are shocked but they think it’s funny,” she said. While she set a new standard for women, the men’s record is still held by Brian Thompson of the US, with a tongue measuring 3.5 inches (8.88 cm) wide.